Notes from the Peninsula

As taught throughout my solo travelling experience

4 min readApr 19, 2017

Recently I left my work station for an exciting two-weeks holiday to eastern part of Asia, and to say it was a “good” trip might be an understatement. Before departure I knew this trip was going to be fruitful, it would replenish my weariness, I needed this vacation badly, so on so forth… but what I didn’t understand until I came back home was how much it changed my life.

This vacation of mine may not be appearing as the true adventure for some— you know, it was not going to a country you never heard of, backpack across many cities in many countries, not bringing any money, travelling blindly and going where the wind blows… It was not anywhere near that: I went to Seoul twice prior to this trip so I knew the city quite well, I had bullet-proof plan to ensure I had place to stay and food to eat everyday, I speak (very rusty) Korean, and I did have quite a detailed itinerary my boss often teased me about (“I’m not surprised your holiday itinerary sounds like a workplan”).

However all those arrangements did not stop me to enjoy the stay and collect many sweet memories from the trip. I remembered every part of it lovingly, and will always be cherishing them. What I learned along the way is the most beautiful part of the journey though…

  • For example, through devastating events (like, being lost with no internet connection, low battery, and had no idea where to go in the middle of the night!) I understand that in life you’ll see many occurrences going out of your way, or they turn into some unexpected adversities you’d be mourning about. It’s OK. The world is not going to end and you will have time to turn the table.
  • To live life in the present is an act of love toward yourself. To accept that you are perfect the way you are despite the circumstances, and have no need to regretfully look back to the past, nor long for the unseen future. To ask for nothing more, and accept whatever’s being thrown at you wholeheartedly.
  • What’s to celebrate about life other than life itself? About living for today, being aware of the present, and only the now? Why are human obsessed about future anyway — and why on earth do we act like we could manage it? Isn’t thinking that we know what to expect indeed falsely popular?
  • Home is where your heart is. Period.
  • If you want something to happen, push yourself to the limit, and make it happen for the sake of your being. Wait for no one to do it — no one is going to do it for you.
  • Don’t be afraid to wander all by yourself. It’ll be a good time to spend time and have a good conversation with the real you.
  • Whatever result hard work brings, it is never about someone else, eventually. It is for your own sake.
  • Failure does not define who you are. It tells stories about your effort, perseverance, and journey, not your worth.
  • Confidence is one’s greatest beauty, and smile is its most precious jewel.

In short, and most important of all — live life well, take good care of yourself, and have bright outlook in life,
because beautiful and perfect moments do exist.

Have faith and courage, don’t lose hope.

